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Apple Pay logo fills screen on Apple Watch, signifying the app is launching.
Experience more and make seamless payments with your Champion Credit Union VISA® debit or credit card integrated into your Apple Wallet. Whether you're using your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, or Mac, Apple Pay makes transactions simple, secure, and lightning-fast.

Use Apple Pay wherever you see one of these symbols.

Contactless Payment Symbol for Digital Wallet      Apple Pay logo

To set up Apple Pay, view in detail or follow these simple steps:
  1. Open the Wallet app.
  2.  Click the plus sign to add a new card.
  3. Scan your Champion Credit Union VISA® debit or credit card.
  4. Select your method of verification1.
  5. Start using Apple Pay in your Digital Wallet.
What's next?
Learn how to pay with Touch ID and Face ID.

1 Please note: if you are only given the option to verify by contacting Champion Credit Union, you will have to update the email address and/or phone number that we have on file for you.