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five young adults looking at their cell phones

So, you’ve finally graduated high school, huh? Congrats! Now it's time to gear up for that thrilling new chapter: college life. Prepping for college can seem like a colossal task, but trust us, it's totally doable.

First things first, make a list! Figure out what essentials you'll need for your dorm room – bedding, mini-fridge, those late-night snacks. Don't forget your school supplies - highlighters, sticky get the point.

Next up, get ready to adult. Budgeting might sound boring, but it's crucial! Keep track of your finances, set aside some cash for fun experiences, but don't go overboard (instant noodles for every meal isn't the best plan). Check out our Budget Worksheet: College Edition to help get you on track, and keep you there.

Let’s talk about the academics. You will need to register for classes, so choose wisely! Don't overload yourself – it's not a race.

Lastly, mental prep. College can be a rollercoaster, but you’ve got this! Be open to change, stay positive, and embrace new experiences.

College prep is about finding a balance between fun and responsibility. So, grab that checklist, keep an open mind, and get ready to rock your college years! We’re here if you need us!